8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking 

Negative thoughts seem to be everywhere, and holding onto positivity and optimism a serious struggle for the modern generation. 

We can’t change the past, nor can we predict the future. The present is just that, it is a gift that we should be enjoying and cherishing. Negativity robs us of that joy, and it is time to put an end to it. Life will never be perfect, but that doesn’t mean you can’t think positive thoughts and handle the ups and downs. 

I think negative thinking is especially easy for women to struggle with, right along with overthinking. 

Here are my favorite tips to help get rid of the negative thoughts that are taking up space in your mind. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Surround Yourself with Positive People 

Surrounding yourself with positive people will help to lift you up and see your full potential. Find your tribe of positive people. 

Energy, both negative and positive, spreads quickly. You don’t want to waste your time around those who are not helping you live your best life through beating the negativity. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Cut Down on Distractions 

With the internet and even social media apps at our constant disposal, it is really easy to get sucked into the nasty black hole that is social media, and suddenly two hours have gone by with nothing but reading negative thoughts. This does not help your mindset! Nor does it do anything for your productivity either. 

It is essential to cut down on distractions, skip multitasking, and make it a habit to take breaks and relax. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Practice Brain Dumps 

Brain dumping is a form of self-care and what I would call an essential one. This will give you the feeling of being free from negative thoughts by writing them down on a piece of paper. You can dispose of this paper however you want to. Crumple it up and throw it in the trash, light it on fire, put it through a shredder, or any other creative way you want to dispose of it. But the key is to get rid of that piece of paper, and therefore your negative thoughts right along with it. 

Negative thoughts have a way of creeping into our mind when it is cluttered with too much going on. Decluttering your mind makes room for positive thoughts to come and set in instead of the negative ones. Brain dumping is one of the most useful tools to get rid of negative thoughts and clear your mind. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Stop Revisiting Negative Thoughts 

Revisiting negative thoughts only enhances the negativity. It is important to divert your mind toward something totally different when the negative thoughts try to take hold. 

Read a book, watch a movie, go for a walk. Whatever works the best for you, engage in some kind of activity to keep your mind occupied and focused. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Spend Time in Nature 

Spending time in nature is one of the easiest ways to declutter your mind. The fresh air does wonders for the soul. 

Taking the time to visit the beach or a park makes it easy to see things in a positive light. Nature is gorgeous, and it is hard to be negative when you’re surrounded by such beauty. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Talk to Yourself 

A wise man once told me that our brain is the biggest muscle in our bodies. But do we really use it to our full potential? Probably not, and I don’t mean you need to be a math wizard to use your brain fully. 

What I mean is we can train our brains. Say that five times fast! But seriously. Sometimes we just need to talk to ourselves when our brain starts wandering off in a negative direction. Tell yourself to stop, that it isn’t healthy and you simply aren’t going to allow it. I literally tell myself to stop at times. 

If we can train kids and pets to act in specific ways or obey commands, why can’t we train ourselves to stop thinking negatively? The answer is, we can! 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Start a Gratitude Journal 

Never underestimate the power of a gratitude journal. Every time something good happens, write it down! It doesn’t matter how big or how small it is, scribble it all down in a gratitude journal. 

This journal will become your escape to positivity when you are trying to get away from your negative thoughts. After a few days, go back and read the entry for each day. You’ll likely be amazed at what you’ve noted. Do it again after a month, going back to read your journal. See what has changed and improved, or simply enjoy the positive memories. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

Dance or Sing Out Loud 

I can’t carry a tune in a bucket to save my life, trust me. But there are times when loud music, a good drive in the country, or a good dance session when no one else is around is just the ticket to cleanse the negativity out of yourself. 

Pick your favorite playlist and just go with it. Enjoy the moment. 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking Discussion 

Many times negative thoughts make you believe that the problem lies within you. But the truth is that it’s how you allow yourself to feel that determines what your mind will think. 

If you feel happy and grateful, negativity cannot come anywhere near you. So say goodbye to the negative thoughts by taking control of your life through these 8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking. You got this! 

Have these tips helped you kick the habit of negative thinking? Does one tip work better than the rest for you? Is there anything I missed? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking
8 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Thinking


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