8 Fun Ways to Practice Self-Care With Your Kids
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8 Fun Ways to Practice Self-Care With Your Kids
By role-modeling good habits and teaching your kids about the importance of self-care, you can help them develop a healthy mindset about managing stress, regulating their emotions, and encouraging happiness in their lives. The Homemaking Wife shares eight fun ways to practice self-care with your kids.
Put on Your Favorite Exercise Tunes
Exercise helps ease stress, improves sleep, and makes you feel better. And it’s fun when you have some good music playing. Put on your favorite tunes — maybe an old playlist or a song you haven’t heard in years. It will bring back good memories and help improve mood and motivation for you and your kids.
You can even listen to your tunes on a walk or a jog. If your kids are still small, you might want to look online for a good jogging stroller or a wagon so you can get out and exercise with the kids in tow.
Turn Off the Electronics
Technology can be a great escape from reality for kids, but constant exposure may be robbing them of sleep and wreaking havoc on their ability to focus. Try turning off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime. Your child will reap many benefits, including reduced stress and better sleep.
Plan a Family Trip
One of the best ways to practice self-care is to take a family trip. Family vacations provide opportunities for bonding and relaxation, two things that are essential for mental and emotional wellbeing. In addition, vacations can help to reduce stress levels and promote positive thinking.
When planning a vacation, be sure to choose a destination that everyone will enjoy and consider everyone’s interests and needs when making your decision. For example, Disney World is perfect for adults and children alike. Before finding accommodations and purchasing tickets, visit sites like MouseLifeToday to learn about tips on how you can save.
Meditation is a perfect way for kids and adults to reduce stress, feel more focused, and improve overall wellness. Adding even a brief meditation session to your day can help to calm your mind and develop a more positive outlook even amidst a stressful day. Taking this time and modeling it for your children will also emphasize the importance of caring for your mental health, which can really benefit your children as they grow up and encounter more stress.
You can teach your children how to meditate by sitting in a quiet space and taking three deep breaths together before settling into your usual routine in the morning. If your children get upset, get them to take 10 deep breaths to help them calm down.
Create and Play
Spend some time each day creating something you love. It’s an effective step in practicing self-care, and it can be anything from writing a storybook to learning an instrument or building a tower. The main thing is that it should bring you and your children joy.
Playing together is another great way to cultivate creativity and imagination. You can play pretend and let your child explore a world of their creation, or play a board or card game together as a family. There are plenty of kid’s games that even adults will enjoy, like Big Party, Catch Me, or the classic game of Candyland.
Express Gratitude
Expressing gratitude is one of the most powerful practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. Doing so will make you happier, healthier, and more successful. Gratitude journals work because they give you a central place to record what you’re grateful for every day — and simply having that written record encourages you to take notice of all that’s good in your life and helps develop a positive mindset.
Establish Ground Rules
If you work from home, lower stress in your workday by establishing family ground rules and a schedule. The chaos that’s intrinsic to running a home-based business can add an extra layer of stress and overwhelm you. Establishing family ground rules and carving out time to spend with your children can make your home life easier. Also, take time out yourself to cope with work/life stressors.
Explore Nature Together
Whether you’re planning a weekend away or simply going for a walk around town, spending time in nature is an easy way to improve your well-being. Bringing kids along is a great idea and is vital for their development. Being near trees and plants can reduce stress, boost your immune system, relieve pain, reduce symptoms of depression, and even help you sleep better.
Creating Positive Routines
You want your child to have a healthy body and mind. Creating positive routines for yourself and your children helps you take care of yourself while modeling how your children should take care of themselves, too. Show them the importance of caring for your mental and physical health through exploration, travel, meditation, and play.
This will help them be better prepared and handle the ups and downs of life much easier!
8 Fun Ways to Practice Self-Care With Your Kids Discussion
Do you practice self-care with your kids? Did this 8 Fun Ways to Practice Self-Care With Your Kids list give you some new ideas? Let me know your favorite ways to practice self-care in the comments!
My child is too small to actually make something with her but I do express my gratitude towards her for being in my life and for everything she had brought me with her. Exercising for me is the best and if we round up I do hope my daughter will take it from me and we will enjoy it together
The Homemaking Wife
I can’t wait to see baby Ada growing up and see if she takes after you with exercise. If that is something that interests her, it will be a wonderful thing to do together.