11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage Introduction 

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage is a list I created to remind myself to stay positive every single day. I’ve been married to my husband, Nathan, since 2008, and it isn’t always easy. Marriage is rewarding and amazing, but that doesn’t mean it is a walk in the park. 

Because I was raised by a textbook narcissist, I have always struggled with negative thinking instead of positive thinking, mindset, and anxiety, among many other things. To become the best version of myself, I have had to fight hard to break these cycles and really develop my own positive habits and thoughts. Struggling with these issues has had an effect on my marriage, not just on me as a person. 

There will always be both good days and bad days in every marriage. It isn’t easy, and nobody is perfect. I can’t always control the things that happen in life, but I can certainly control my attitude about it, and that is the thing I focus on. When I have a good attitude, I find that I am much stronger and more resilient to having bad days or facing challenges. It has helped me be better prepared, and I know a bad day isn’t the end of the world. 

That is why I’ve been creating positive affirmations and journal prompts, to help others in this same situation, because you deserve to be your best self, to shine, and truly be happy. 

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage
11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage

Why are affirmations powerful? 

Why are affirmations powerful? Do they even work? If you’re just starting out thinking about affirmations or trying them out, I know you’re asking these exact questions, and you probably have doubts about how useful they are. That’s okay. I’m here to help you. 

Affirmations are powerful because they help reverse negative thinking, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your mood. Affirmations work, but they also take time. Think of repeating positive affirmations to yourself each day like developing a new habit. It isn’t an overnight process. 

It can take 59-70 days to form a new habit and start breaking old negative habits. That is why consistency with using affirmations is so important. Stick with it, and be patient as you develop a new healthy and positive mindset. 

Are you ready to get started with these 11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage? Come on in and let’s go! 

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage
11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage 

  • Our love for each other is strong together. 
  • We can get through anything. 
  • Our marriage grows stronger each day. 
  • Our marriage is built on trust and loyalty. 
  • We love each other unconditionally. 
  • We are passionate about each other. 
  • We are so in love. 
  • We are open with each other. 
  • We understand each other. 
  • We were destined to be together. 
  • Nothing can separate us. 
11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage
11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage Notes 

I think of my marriage like a bank account. A bank account cannot operate in the red. It has to have a positive amount in it, to be black. We make deposits through a positive attitude, time spent with each other, and anything that is helpful to our marriage. Anything negative is like a withdrawal. Too many withdrawals and the account goes into the red. My own mindset and attitude are part of those deposits and withdrawals. These affirmations are me doing my part to make my marriage as strong as it can be. 

I’ve often been asked if there is a good time of day to practice positive affirmations. There is no one specific answer that works for everyone. It is whenever you want it to be, and can do this every single day consistently. 

My personal preference is when I first wake up and right before I go to bed. I often read a short story and then recite positive affirmations to myself when I wake up and again before I go to bed. That creates a great start and end to my day, helping to ensure my day starts well, and my sleep quality is increased at the end of the day. 

What if I don’t have time to recite positive affirmations each day? That is a question I’ve been asked many times. The answer is, I don’t have time is an excuse. Think about how often you pick up your phone and start mindlessly scrolling through social media. Take one time you do that per day away and replace it with positive affirmations. Boom. You suddenly have time. It really is that simple. 

Making time each day for affirmations is a form of self-care, in my opinion. It is making a commitment to yourself to take the time to change negative habits into positive habits that are healthy and serve you. If you are struggling with finding time, I encourage you to really look at how you spend your day. Because there is time if you want there to be time. You may just have to commit to finding it for yourself. 

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage
11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage Discussion 

Do you struggle with keeping a positive mindset? Are affirmations already important to you, or are you just starting out learning to develop that great habit? Let me know where I can support you by leaving a comment! 

11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage
11 Positive Affirmations for Marriage

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