7 Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem
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7 Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem Introduction

7 Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem. Do you struggle with your own self image? Do you speak negatively about yourself? If you find yourself struggling with your self esteem, then these journal prompts are exactly what you need to point you in the right direction to building yourself back up!
What is self esteem? It is how we value and perceive ourselves. It is our opinion of ourselves. It is important to have a healthy self esteem that is real, true, accurate, and balanced.
There are three ranges of self esteem. Overly high, which means you feel superior to others, and come off as arrogant or entitled. Low, meaning you feel inferior to others. Healthy, meaning you have an accurate and balanced view of yourself.
In this post, my focus is having low self esteem and feeling inferior to other people. Because it is simply not true. You are not inferior to anyone else in the world, and I want to help you boost your self esteem to a healthy level.
What is a healthy level of self esteem? Having a healthy level of self esteem means that you are comfortable in your own skin, you are open to criticism, can acknowledge mistakes, and are comfortable both giving and receiving compliments. You aren’t perfect, no one is. That is impossible. But having a healthy level of self esteem means you can see both your strengths and weaknesses.

Everyone has struggled with self esteem and building confidence at some point in their lives. But for some, this can truly be a lifelong struggle and fight. Breaking this cycle and building your self esteem can be very difficult for some.
I have long suffered from limiting beliefs and speaking negatively about myself because I didn’t know how to say no to things that didn’t serve me. These issues did nothing but destroy my self esteem, and I allowed this to happen for far too long. Longer than I’d like to admit, if we’re being honest here.
But once I started to really focus on myself, changing my negative thoughts and views, finding my purpose, and what made me happy, my self esteem started to increase. I found it much easier to say no to things that didn’t serve me, were unhealthy, and simply didn’t make me happy.
I want you to be able to do the same thing. To develop healthy boundaries, say no, love yourself, break the cycle of negative thoughts, and find your purpose and what makes you happy. Because you deserve that just as much as anyone else. You deserve to be happy, healthy, and confident.
That is why I created these 7 journal prompts to boost self esteem. Are you ready to get started? Let’s go!

Benefits of Journaling
If you aren’t too sure about journaling, here are ten reasons that journaling can help you.
- Improves mental health
- Encourages self confidence
- Boosts emotional intelligence
- Helps with achieving goals
- Inspires creativity
- Boosts memory
- Enhances critical thinking skills
- Heightens academic/work performance
- Improves physical health
- Strengthens communication and writing skills

Journaling helps to reduce stress, reduce anxiety and depression, focus your mind, and organize your life. Journaling is an excellent tool for opening up about things that bother you, things you need to work on, things you’re grateful for, and any other emotions you may be feeling, in a productive way.
Journaling is also an effective way to manage overthinking, and track your own progress as you work through issues and stress within your life.
Journaling is a very private thing. It is just for you, so when you’re writing in your journal, be open and honest with yourself. You can’t change anything or work on yourself if you aren’t completely honest with yourself.
Don’t stress about perfection when journaling either. It isn’t something anyone else is going to judge you for. It is for you and you alone. Take as little or as much time as you need for each prompt, and just focus on letting your thoughts out and being honest. Don’t overthink what you write, or criticize yourself for your thoughts either. Be kind, be accepting, and let your thoughts out.

7 Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem
Three things I admire about myself
What do you admire about yourself? This can be anything from looks like your smile or eye color, to work ethic, to any other abilities you have. Are you a great friend? Kind to others?
Take a moment to think about what you admire about yourself and list these off, then write about why you admire these things about yourself. Is it a trait or look that makes you feel confident? Or something you’ve admired about someone else that you try to emulate in yourself?

What is my greatest achievement?
I guarantee that you’ve achieved more than you think you have! Take the time to write these things down, think about them, and remember how you felt when you were successful.
What did that achievement bring you in your life? How did it make you feel? What is your next goal from there? Write it all down.

What is the most difficult thing I have overcome?
Think about difficult times in your life and how you overcame them. Chances are you’ve overcome a lot more than you realize, and you are stronger than you know. Writing these things down is a great reminder of just how far you’ve come from your own struggles in life. Those should boost your self esteem and confidence, knowing just how strong you really are.
Think about how overcoming difficult obstacles has made you feel as well. Do you feel strong? Confident? Accomplished? Satisfied? Make a list of how overcoming obstacles makes you feel, and give those emotions names.

How would my family and friends describe me to a stranger?
If you aren’t sure about this, feel free to ask the people closest to you how they would describe you. Then make a note of it and write them down. Pick the people you truly trust to ask this question to. Random “friends” don’t really matter, in my opinion, therefore I would skip those kind of people in your life.
A wise person once said that if you could see yourself the way other people see you, that you would be unstoppable. Which I believe is true. I have a friend, he is my favorite person on the planet, and he often tells me how smart, hardworking, and talented that I am. This used to be embarrassing to me, and I never actually believed him for many years. It took me a very long time to see myself the same way, and to realize that it was essential that I start believing in myself the same way he believes in me.

When do I feel the most confident?
Think about when you feel the most confident. What are you wearing? What are you doing? Who is with you? Why do you feel more confident than usual?
Make a list of all of these things and write them down. It is important to notice what you’re wearing, doing, who is with you, and why you feel like your most confident self.

What advice would I give to my seven year old self?
If you could go back in time and share advice with yourself as a child, what would you say? Would you tell yourself to do something? Feel differently? Explain something?
Hindsight is always 20/20, and looking back there are a lot of things I would go back and tell myself when I was 7, and it would start with believing in myself. Think about what you would say to your seven year old self and write those things down.

What do I need to forgive myself for?
Forgiveness is an absolute necessity in life, and I find that especially true when it comes to forgiving ourselves. One of my favorite phrases is, “I forgive myself for the versions of myself I had to create to survive.” Because they were not always the best versions of myself. They were the necessary ones though.
What forgiveness does is release feelings of regret, because the past cannot be changed. The only option is to move forward and try to be better. Forgiveness means that you no longer allow negative feelings toward yourself (or others) to continue to poison your life. That you’ve moved past it, and moved on to bigger and better things that deserve your time, energy, and attention.
What do you need to forgive yourself for? Make a list of the things you are holding on to and need to start forgiving yourself for, so that you can heal and keep moving forward.

7 Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem Notes
I really hope these 7 journal prompts to boost self esteem have helped you start moving forward to becoming the best version of yourself.
This list of journal prompts may feel overwhelming if you’re struggling with self esteem. The best part of journaling is that you don’t have to do it all at once. You can break this list down into daily prompts, spread out of a week if you want. Or do them all at once. It is totally up to you.

When should you journal? That is completely up to you. I like to take the time both at night and in the mornings to spend a few minutes journaling. Morning helps me to get a good start on my day in a positive way, and evenings allow a brain dump so that I can sleep better. But it really is up to you as to what time of the day works the best for you. Take as much time or as little time as you need.
Once you are finished with these journal prompts, I recommend walking away and ignoring them for a day or two. Then come back and read what you had to say with an open and objective mind. When you come back to read them over again, you will start to see yourself from a different perspective, and that is where you’ll start growing and building your self esteem.

7 Journal Prompts to Boost Self Esteem Discussion
Have these journal prompts helped you work on boosting your self esteem? Is that something you struggle with? Is there any way that I can help to support you in your journey to boosting your self esteem and becoming the best version of yourself? Let me know your thoughts in the comments so that I can help support you along the way!