7 Ways to Flirt with Your Husband
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7 Ways to Flirt with Your Husband
All marriages face ups and downs, it is inevitable. Having been married to my husband since 2008, I can tell you that this is absolutely true.
One of the biggest downs in a marriage is a lack of romance, and that is always a problem. Life gets in the way, we move from the honeymoon phase to being mundane and boring adults and just going about daily life with no real excitement or intentions.
The key to a long lasting and happy marriage is romance. You have to keep the romance alive in your marriage. It is important to never stop dating your husband. But flirting is also essential to any marriage.
Flirting makes you or your husband feel special, wanted, and needed. It shows that you’re still interested in them and excited about each other.
Here are my favorite 7 ways to flirt with your husband.

Leave Notes for Him
I’m not talking about just a simple I love you note either. Feel free to spice it up, be explicit about what you want when he gets home from work that night.
Leave it in his wallet, pants pocket, or even in his vehicle. That way when he’s leaving for work, he will find it and be excited to come home and see you after work.
Part of romance is the excitement of anticipating something coming later that night when he comes home or after the kids go to bed.

Kiss Him
Greeting him with a kiss, a real and passionate kiss will certainly bring some excitement. It also tells him that you are genuinely happy to see him and excited to spend time with him.
Be intentional about it. He’s not your grandmother, so go for the lips, add in some tongue, push him up against a wall, however you want to show him that you want and need him is perfect.

Touch Him
Rub his back, his side, or even his butt as he walks by you in the house. I think it is incredibly sexy when my husband does chores in the house, so I make it a point to touch him as he is. A nice smack on the butt with a sexy smile says a lot.
Touch lets him know that you appreciate him, but it also speaks volumes to desire and anticipation.

Compliment Him
Before he leaves for work, tell him how handsome he looks and how much you want him.
You can also tell him that you want to see more of him later. Or that his clothes look good on him, but you are looking forward to taking them off of him later.
Be creative with compliments. They don’t have to simply be “you look nice, babe.” When my husband buys new pants of any kind, the first thing I notice is how his butt looks in them, and I will tell him that. What do you notice about your husband? Have you told him how much you enjoy that?

Text Him
During the day, send him a text to let him know that you are excited about spending some alone time with him tonight after the kids go to bed.
Tell him something specific you want to do, or have him do to you. You can be as explicit as you want here, as that will add to the excitement. If you aren’t normally direct, this is a perfect opportunity to catch him off guard and show a different side of yourself by doing so.

Dress Up
Dressing up (or down) can easily become a focal point. Wearing something different, showing a little more skin, or simply wearing nothing can be very exciting. This shows him that you made the effort just for him, and he won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.
Order a new lingerie set and set it aside where he won’t see it, and then surprise him with it one night. Order him some new and different underwear as well. Dress up together and have some fun with it.

Hold Hands
Holding hands while sitting on the couch, walking through the grocery store and planning dinner, or even while in the car. That simple physical touch shows love, compassion, and intimacy.

7 Ways to Flirt with Your Husband Notes
One of my favorite aspects of this list is how simple all of these things are to do. They don’t take any extra time or effort. But the result for such little effort is huge in terms of keeping the spark alive within your marriage. It is the best return on your investment, in my opinion.
A lack of intimacy and romance are easily the biggest reason that marriages fail, and I don’t want to see that happen to anyone. Marriage is hard work, but totally worth it.

7 Ways to Flirt with Your Husband Discussion
Has this post helped you in any way? What are some ways you flirt with your husband? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!