5 Reasons Why I Love Being a Homemaker
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Why I Love Being a Homemaker
Before I got married, I never dreamed I would enjoy being a homemaker. This wasn’t even a thought that crossed my mind.
I was always taught to work, work, and work some more. If you weren’t working a minimum of 40 hours a week, you were doing it wrong. Money was everything. There were no vacations, no quality time spent, no memories made. Work was always the priority. That was my childhood.
I also never learned the value of a clean home or organization before that either. My mother was a full blown hoarder and had no organization skills whatsoever. Nor did she know how to cook. My own cooking skills were developed because of my desire to be the best wife I could be to Nathan.
I married Nathan in 2008, and soon found out that I was not suited for working outside of the home. It put a strain on our marriage because we worked opposite shifts and rarely saw each other unless by some miracle we had the same days off that week. I wasn’t a fan.
So with no real homemaking skills and absolutely no knowledge of how to do it well, you’re probably wondering why I love being a homemaker. Let me tell you why I love being a homemaker!

My husband is My Priority
I love making Nathan my top priority, because it is part of being the best wife that I can be. I am always available to make sure he eats well, gets plenty of rest, and has a comfortable place to come home to every day after work.
Because he is my priority and I’m available 24/7, there’s never the letdown of “I have to work” or “I don’t have time” or any other excuses to not allow him to be a priority in my life. The opportunity to spend time together and make memories is never lost because I have other obligations outside my home.
Giving him a comfortable place to come home to and relax offers him stability and safety, which I think is essential in any marriage. I absolutely love having the ability to be the one that provides that for him.

We Create Memories and Traditions
I love spending time with Nathan and being able to create memories and traditions with him as the years go on. Having the time and flexibility of being a homemaker means that I can take the time to do those things, and enjoy myself completely without having to worry about anything else.
As I said earlier, there were no memories being made for me in my childhood. It was filled with the excuse of having to work, and even celebrated. That wasn’t something I wanted to repeat once I was an adult and married.

Work at Home
I officially knew when I tattooed a half sleeve on my left arm to honor my best friend, that I would never work outside my home again, as many businesses would ask that it be covered up, and I wasn’t willing to do so. But that was a blessing. Because it cemented my place at home and reminded me how much I love being a homemaker, and that was my happy place where I wanted to be.
I also work strange hours because I am a night owl, and that is the time I focus and enjoy working the most. It also coincides with Nathan’s work schedule, and we’ve created an amazing routine that is relaxed and works well for us. There is freedom in being able to work when I want to, and still take days off when there is a need.
I also love and appreciate how supportive Nathan is to me with my blogs, and how much he loves to help me. When we talk about it, he’s always offering suggestions, or helping me with pictures, and is more than willing to do what needs to be done.

Stress-Free Life
These days I can’t imagine having to work a traditional 9-5 job. The last “real” job I had, I did it so well that I earned myself the tasks everyone else managed to screw up. Can anyone else relate? Do your job, and do it well, now because you’re so good at your job, do the job of 5 other people too. Nope, that isn’t for me anymore. I burnt myself out, put myself into a depression where I didn’t care about anything, and hated myself until I finally had the courage to say no and quit.
I find being a homemaker is a much more stress-free lifestyle, and that is perfect for me. I get time for myself to take care of my own self-care needs, I can work on my blogs when I want to, spend time with friends, and indulge in my hobbies.
I firmly believe that living a more stress-free life is a form of self-care all on its own, and isn’t one that is talked about nearly enough. But it really is a form of self-care, and being a homemaker allows me to take care of myself just as much as I take care of my home and my husband.

Save Money
I am a prepper at heart, and that’s how my blogging journey got started. The skills I developed through emergency preparedness have helped me to save money, waste less food, be ready for emergencies, and so much more.
I must admit that being able to save money makes me feel good. I feel confident and I know I’m contributing to making our home and marriage both go as smoothly as possible.

Why I Love Being a Homemaker Discussion
I’ve learned as I get older and am married longer that money isn’t everything. Memories and time spent with the people you love are everything.
I am extremely grateful to have that opportunity to be a homemaker and a wife. Choosing this lifestyle was the best decision I’ve ever made. It was the best decision because it makes me happy.
Are you a homemaker? Why do you enjoy it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!