10 Great Ways to Take Your Power Back
Table of Contents
10 Great Ways to Take Your Power Back Introduction
10 Great Ways to Take Your Power Back. You are so completely powerful. I think it can be far too easy to forget this fact. But it is absolutely true. I want you to realize just how powerful and unstoppable that you are, and see you live your life exactly that way.
Oftentimes it is easy, especially in the days of social media and constant movement, to absorb negative energy, negative messages, and so much more that subtlety starts to influence who we are and how we act. Think of it like water running over a rock continuously. You don’t see the rock change shape. It just happens quietly over time until the rock is a completely different shape. This kind of change happens with people too, when we absorb all the negative energy and messages we see each and every day. We don’t realize it is happening until we are a completely different person.
If you’ve ever suffered abuse or trauma, especially as a child, this is even more true. Because you likely haven’t ever been given the opportunity to reach your true potential and understand just how powerful you are. But that power exists inside you, and it is time to take it back and become unstoppable. That is why I created these 10 great ways to take your power back.
Are you ready to go on the journey through these 10 great ways to take your power back with me? You owe it to yourself! Let’s go!

10 Great Ways to Take Your Power Back
Know Your Value
You don’t need to wait around for someone else to decide your worth. Because you will always be disappointed. Stand up for yourself! Nobody gets to treat you like crap. If a situation isn’t healthy for you, it is time to walk away. When you know your value, it is easy to see when others don’t see your value. You’ll learn how to say no to those people and their energy.
Tell yourself that you are beautiful, that you are worthy, that you deserve great things. What you believe and tell yourself is exactly what you will become. You need to be showing yourself love instead of negativity. Be your own cheerleader by knowing your value and reminding yourself of that as often as you need to until it starts to become your truth.
How you feel about yourself is how others will feel about you. So it is time to decide who you are and how you want to be treated, then say no to everything that isn’t that. Don’t let others make those choices for you. You know your value, and it is time to set those boundaries to align with your value.

Avoid Negative Self-Talk
A wise person once told me that the biggest muscle in our bodies is our brain. Do not put yourself down or speak negatively about yourself, even if you are joking. The more you say negative things to yourself, the more you believe them and that becomes your truth.
When you love yourself and speak positively about yourself, that also becomes your truth. That is how you take your power back. That is setting the standard for how others treat you and talk to you. Be in control of your own narrative.
If you are struggling with this, I have found talking to myself works. I literally tell myself to stop saying things that are negative because they are not productive thoughts. I deserve better, and so do you. You can talk to yourself and remind yourself that negative self-talk isn’t the way to go, and it needs to end.
When you find yourself being self-critical, you can also list three things you like about yourself. It doesn’t matter what they are. Something about your looks, eye color, smile, or whatever else you like about yourself. Think about other things as well that you like about yourself. You’re smart, talented at something specific like photography, or your work ethic and earning a new promotion. Chances are you’ll find you like a lot more about yourself and are proud of those things than you realize.

There is a serious power in forgiveness.
You need to forgive yourself for past mistakes. You can’t go back and change them, and you know that. Dwelling on those and feeling regret isn’t healthy or productive. What you can do is learn from them and grow. Holding a grudge against yourself for past mistakes is living in the past. That takes away from the present, and that isn’t fair to you. It is time to forgive yourself and keep moving forward.
You also need to forgive others. Forgiveness isn’t for whoever wronged you. It is for you. It is allowing yourself to move on from that hurt. This doesn’t mean you need to allow whoever it is back in your life. It just means you’ve decided that hurt is no longer worth your time and energy.
Harboring negative energy will do nothing but poison your life, and you deserve so much more. One of my favorite quotes is, “if you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.”
Do you need to forgive someone in your life? Make a list in your journal of who needs forgiveness from you and why.

Don’t Worry About the Past
This is a waste of your energy. You can’t change the past, nor can you live in it. You are not your mistakes. Repeat that one with me, “I am not my mistakes.” Remind yourself of this daily if necessary, until you believe it. Mistakes are just one component of who you are, not the sum of who you are as a person. Don’t let your mistakes define who you are, because you are better than that.
Everybody makes mistakes, and focusing on those hinders your growth, is negative, and doesn’t allow you to love yourself fully. I know that it is easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism. If you’re struggling with this, go back to the avoiding negative self-talk section, because that is exactly what is happening when you focus on the past instead of moving on from it.
I used to rush to defend myself against false accusations but now I watch to see who believes it, so I know who to cut off first. Those mistakes or accusations are often great examples of how other people live in the past and talk about the person I once was. Oftentimes without ever asking my side of the story, and I felt the need to give it. I no longer feel that way because the past is behind me, and that is where I leave it. If you need to cut people off, do it.

Establish Healthy Boundaries
Learn to say no and start doing it more often! If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. You said no, and no means no. That’s it.
If someone makes you upset, don’t spend time with them. Pay attention to how you feel when you spend time with people. Do they uplift you or do they suck the life out of you with their negative energy? Once you start paying attention to that, it will be really easy to see who deserves your time and energy and who doesn’t.
I made a friend not too long ago, and she seemed great at first. But the more time I spent with her, the more I realized how bad of an idea that was, and it was because she was so negative. She reminded me of me from about ten years ago, and that is someone I’ve worked very hard to stop being. It was easy to see why it wasn’t healthy to spend time with this friend, and I slowly just stopped reaching out to her and let her fade from my life. She wasn’t helping me grow into a better person.

Use the Do Not Disturb function on your phone more often.
When you set healthy boundaries in your life, it likely will not matter to most people. But there will be a few who get upset. Keep in mind that the only people who will be upset by you setting boundaries are the ones who benefitted from you having none.
Once you set boundaries, the people who are upset will slowly cease to be part of your life, and that is an amazing thing. It is such a natural and simple process, watching them fade from your life. Let it happen. Don’t ever fear this happening.

Say Fuck It More Often
Sometimes you just have to say fuck it, it is what it is, and move on. I know this is blunt, and I’m not normally that blunt. But I also think it is necessary in some circumstances, and that allows you to see that it is what it is and there is nothing you can do about it.
Stop worrying about stupid and insignificant things. Instead just say, fuck it, and keep moving forward. Relax and just let it go. When you realize things aren’t worth your time and energy, you’ll notice yourself saying fuck it and how easy it becomes.
This is such a positive mindshift, to be able to realize that quickly and just move on without letting it hinder you.

Stop Complaining
I still have moments where I will start complaining about everything going on, and I have to stop myself because I will become completely focused on negative things. All that complaining does is allow you to focus on the negative things in life. Nobody is perfect, and there will be times that you aren’t going to be happy. It is life.
However, complaining constantly will get you nowhere. How can you be happy when you’re busy complaining about everything? You can’t be. It is just that simple.
If you find yourself being consumed by complaining, it is time to make a change. Either start fixing the things you’re complaining about, or start focusing on gratitude because you likely are not thankful for everything you actually have. You pick which one fits the best for you and your situation.

I once read about someone who had a habit of getting upset at simple things like someone in traffic cutting them off, or honking if they didn’t move fast enough when their red light turned green. Normally when you get upset at things like that, the temptation would be to flip them off, yell, swear, or even cut them off and brake test them, then think about what a jerk they were for quite some time. These are all normal but unhealthy responses. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Instead this person shifted to automatically listing off three things she was grateful for when she started to get mad or complain about things like this.
What this did was shift her focus from the negative interaction she had with another driver to thinking about something far more positive. That removed the focus from the bad driver in traffic and back to her and her life.
I thought this was interesting when I first heard about it. Like, thinking about gratitude after some jerk cuts you off in traffic sounds weird, right? But seriously, give it a try! Because I will tell you that it works. Focus on the positive instead of the negative, and it becomes much easier to see the positives all the time.

Decide What You Want
Decide what you want, stop complaining about things, and get to work to make it happen. Your happiness depends on this.
When you decide what you want, you’re taking control of your own life, your own happiness, and that is taking your power back. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. Decide what you want, who you want to be, and start showing up for yourself each and every day.
If you’re thinking what you want is too big to actually accomplish, then start breaking that big thing down into smaller steps. If you want something in a year from now, you need to map out monthly, weekly, and daily steps to start taking to get there.

Ignore the Opinions of Others
Remember the part earlier about saying fuck it? Refer back to that if you’re struggling to ignore the opinions of others. Who actually cares what other people think? One of my favorite quotes is, “we’re all being judged by someone who isn’t even close to having their shit together.” I love it because it is so completely true.
When I think about that, it makes me remember and note the opinions that actually do matter to me. If it helps you, make a list of the opinions you truly care about. That way you don’t forget. Also, if you aren’t willing to ask someone for advice, you shouldn’t be willing to hear their opinion. That is a sign it doesn’t matter.
Don’t let what people think about you torture you, or mold who you are. You are you for a reason, you have a purpose, and no one can take that from you unless you let them.

Never Apologize for Being You
Never ever apologize for being you, for growing, for learning, or anything else. You are who you are, and that is exactly who you need to be! There is nothing to apologize for.
You are amazing, you are strong, you are a badass woman who is powerful and can do anything. I believe it. Do you? Because you should! You should believe it, and you should not apologize for it.

10 Great Ways to Take Your Power Back Notes
When you recognize just how powerful you are through these 10 great steps to take your power back, you become unstoppable. Which is exactly why I created these 10 great ways to take your power back. I want you to realize your power, your greatness, and be the best version of yourself because you deserve to live your life that way.
Shifting these mindsets isn’t always easy, so be prepared for setbacks, bad days, and challenges. Just because you experience these things doesn’t mean you should stop practicing them or the 10 great ways to take your power back! You owe it to yourself to become the most unstoppable, confident, badass woman that you can be. When you have your power, you have a purpose that no one can ever take away from you.
Live that power and purpose each and every single day, and you can accomplish anything and everything that you put your mind to through these 10 great ways to take your power back. You can do this!

10 Great Ways to Take Your Power Back Discussion
Have these 10 great ways to take your power back helped you in any way? Is there a specific area that you need to focus on more than the others? Are you wanting to start the journey of taking back your power and becoming unstoppable? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I would love to support you in your journey through these 10 great ways to take your power back.