Day 21 of 31 Day Blogging Challenge
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Day 21 of 31 Day Blogging Challenge
Today is day 21 of the 31 day blogging challenge. If you’ve been following me through this challenge, I appreciate it. You can read about my other posts by clicking here. Are you participating in day 21 of 31 day blogging challenge? The prompt today is my favorite foods. Ahh, I like this one! I love talking about food. You can read my recipes here.
Food is the thing that equals love, in my opinion. Because anytime we are around people, there is food involved. Going out to dinner with friends or family, date nights, or holidays. Any time people gather together, food is involved. That creates memories. Recipes are passed down to younger generations to continue being made. A romantic date night dinner at my favorite restaurant. The list goes on!
I’ve come to realize that most of my recipes center around chicken and dessert. Guess those are my two favorite things! Chicken is amazing because it is so versatile. There are a million and one ways (maybe not that many, but close) to cook chicken. Not only do the methods of cooking chicken vary, so do the flavors. Nathan’s new favorite is hot honey chicken.
I love my veggies and chicken, don’t get me wrong. But a medium rare steak is a beautiful thing! I made steak and beer soup recently for dinner and I cut off the fat from several ribeye steaks and rendered it down to cook the steaks in. The smell was fantastic. Made an excellent dinner, that’s for sure.
I am a sucker for a good cheesecake. It is something that I rarely make myself, so I’m always on the hunt for the perfect one in a restaurant. I need to bake one myself one of these days, with a nice raspberry sauce. I do make a great peppermint bark cheesecake though.
I am pretty sure I could eat carrots daily. Now that I’ve discovered rainbow carrots, this is even more true! My favorite way to cook carrots is to roast them in the oven. I sprinkle them with a bit of olive oil and garlic salt first. Then throw them in the oven. They come out so tender and flavorful. Nathan thought I was crazy when I told him I wanted to buy rainbow carrots recently. But he loved them once he tried them.
This summer there will be some amazing raspberry recipes coming to my blog! They are easily my favorite fruit, and I want to use them to create delicious things. I’ve made cookies and cake with them before, and it is time to do it again.
Cookies aren’t exactly healthy, but they are delicious! Around the holidays I turn into a fat kid with cookies. I make a ton of varieties too. I need to write recipes for all of these, as I’m behind on that. Cookies are the thing I bring to holiday gatherings and show up with two dozen of each variety that I’ve made. Usually I’ve baked about four to six varieties. Yeah, I’m that crazy person.
Potatoes are a really versatile carbohydrate. Nathan’s favorite is mashed potatoes. Which is oddly enough something we don’t do all that often. I have no clue if there is a reason for that or not. My favorite is salt crusted potatoes. I typically use a mixture of red, gold, and purple potatoes for that recipe.
Funny story… my buddy loves potatoes. Now, he’s a picky eater and basically eats like a five year old. I debuted the salt crusted potatoes one night when we had him and his girlfriend over for dinner. I knew he had never seen a purple potato in his life. So I kept it quiet when I served them to him and his reaction was simply priceless. He acted like I was trying to kill him with these strange potatoes. Lol.
I hated eggs for the first 18 years of my life. No joke, I really did. When I was a kid, deviled eggs were about the only way I could tolerate them. Then it turned into I would eat them as long as they were not runny. Runny eggs made me gag. Now, I love eggs pretty much every way possible. They are delicious, even runny eggs. My favorite way to eat a runny egg is on a burger because the yolk acts almost as a condiment or sauce. This adds a rich and creamy texture to the burger.
Tacos are one of those foods I can’t ever get enough of, and there are a ton of ways to make them. You can put just about anything in a taco, making the possibilities endless. It doesn’t have to be the same average or boring taco all the time.
Who doesn’t love pizza?! I feel like that is just a universally loved food. Much like many of the foods on this list, the possibilities are endless for combinations. There is no lack of variety! My personal favorite is sausage and mushroom.
Food is always a joy for me. From going out to nice dinners with Nathan, to making amazing meals at home and developing new recipes. There is no end to creativity when it comes to food! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this list as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Have you been following day 21 of 31 day blogging challenge? Are you participating?
Tell me about your favorite foods in the comments. I always like learning what other people enjoy.
Your favourite foods are good ones. I’d find it hard to list my favourites because I have many. One thing I’ve never tried though is a taco! I will have to taste them at some point
I share some favourite foods with you. Am definitely a fan of cookies, pizza and tacos. Cheesecake is amazing as well, but I don’t get to eat it a lot as I don’t live in the US. My list (in no particular order) would be:
1. Pasta
2. Pizza
3. Salad – I looooove salad!
4. Chocolate
5. Cookies
6. Tomatoes – eat them every day.
7. Candy
8. Burritos
9. Bread with homemae jam
10. Cakes, especially ones with chocolate or cinnamon.
Steven Morrissette
Wow, that is a cool blogging challenge. You have an interesting food list. You got me at steak and tacos.
Britt K
I’m looking forward to the raspberry recipes that you mentioned! I am a lover of all things berry – raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, blueberry… I can’t get enough of it. My husband laughs at me because I have been starting to grow my own berries as of late as a way to cut down on our grocery bill. We spend FAR too much money getting fresh berries all the time because I just have to have them lol
Stela Pasic
Potatoes! Me too, me too! My tastes are very simple. I am not much of a cook so it helps that I don’t need that much of a variety. I love your choices up there. And I love this whole challenge. I have been rethinking my blog and may do a challenge like this as well, it looks like so much fun!
Luna S
I am a sucker for cheesecake too! I can’t get enough of it. This sounds like a fun blogging challange to do!
Subhashish Roy
Hot honey chicken is my favorite too like Nathan. Cheesecake makes my mouth water. And eggs used to be my go to food for not only breakfast but also for my meals. But with growing age, I have had to reduce the intake. This was a lovely challenge as I am a foodie.
Checken and pizza. So me. I love vegetables especially green veggies: green beans, asparagus, brocolli, brussel sprouts. I am not a big of potato and rarely eat it 9and never order it out as a side for exaple) and (I hope you still like me) I am not really into tacos. I see so many of your recipes here, It’s interesting to know more about your relationship wtih food
Jasmine Gagarin
Oh wow. I love the food you listed too! I cook a lot of chicken recipes too so I checked out the hot honey chicken link. If you’ve had flan before, that’s my favorite food. it’s called Filipino Leche Flan.