20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You
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20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You Introduction
20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You. I have been married to my husband, Nathan, since 2008. Which isn’t a short amount of time. Thinking back to the early days of our relationship, and even now, I have been thinking about signs that our relationship is successful. Are we still serious about each other? What does that mean? Are there signs?
That is what prompted me to write these 20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You. Being in love and being married is one of the most amazing things in the world. I’m always amazed at how much I can care about another human when I look at my husband.
When you pay attention, there are clear patterns and behaviors that say he is serious about you. These apply when dating, as well as through the entirety of your marriage as well.
Are you ready to learn about the 20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You? Come on in and let me tell you about them!
20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You
He Shares Future Plans with You
When men are serious, they will discuss the future, plans and goals with you. Dreams and aspirations are important for everyone to have, and if you are important to him, you will be included in those.
He’ll talk about a life together. This means a home, moving in together, or moving somewhere else together, career goals, money goals, having a family, adopting a pet. Basically everything you two can do together.
Nathan and I still do this, even to this day. Because goals evolve and change. They may change for you when the kids are grown, or your family is still growing, or you want a career change. There are a number of reasons goals change, and that is great. Change can be a wonderful thing. Talk about it together. Share what you want the future to look like, and he will too.
He is Gradually Spending More Time with You
How much time do you two spend together? Is your communication healthy? When a guy is serious about you, he naturally wants to spend more time with you. Which I think is true for women too. We naturally gravitate toward people we want to be around.
Are you comfortable together? Are you both happy spending time together? Do you ever lose track of time when you are together? These are all good signs!
Your Opinion Matters
He doesn’t hesitate to seek your advice in troubling situations or any other time. He values your advice and listens attentively to what you have to say.
Observe his body language when he’s listening to you. Is he serious when you’re speaking? Is he nodding his head? If the answer is yes, then he values your opinions.
Observe simple or trivial things as well. Like if he wants to know how a particular colored shirt looks on him, for example.
He Enjoys Long Conversations
He enjoys long and deep interactions and conversations with you. You can talk endlessly about everything under the sun, and talk every day. Even if you can’t see each other, you have amazing conversations on the phone.
Here are three important things to think about:
- Who initiates the contact?
- Does he call you or do you call him more?
- Does he call and/or text regularly?
If a man puts effort into talking to you and interacting with you everyday, then you are clearly very special to him.
You are a Priority
When a guy likes you, he will make you a priority. That means you are most likely the first person he talks to in the morning and the last one he talks to at night. I’ve heard many people say, think about the person on your mind first thing in the morning and last at night. That is who you’re meant to be with, and I firmly believe that as well.
Just to clarify here, making you a priority doesn’t mean being clingy or needy in the relationship. You both should still be independent people. Think of it like wearing two hats. You wear one as yourself, and you wear one as a wife or girlfriend, and both compliment each other beautifully.
When he makes you a priority, it means he is there when you need him. Even when life gets busy, as we all know it does, he still makes sure you know how much you matter to him. You shouldn’t have to fight for his attention and time.
He Rarely Skips Commitments
When a man is serious about you, he will take commitments seriously. It may be as simple as going out to dinner despite being dead tired. Unless something urgent comes up, he rarely cancels plans last minute.
If he goes on a trip, he’ll text you when he gets there and when he makes it home, just so you know he is safe. If you ask him to do something specific, he makes sure to keep that promise.
If you find that happening, canceling plans last minute or not keeping simple promises, he is definitely taking you for granted, and that is not a good sign.
He Introduces You to Family and Friends
We all know this is a big one. When a man introduces you to his family and friends, he is acknowledging your relationship and the fact it is a thing.
If he takes you frequently to family gatherings, he is definitely thinking about a future with you. When you meet his family, he makes sure that you are comfortable. His family also treats you like you’re part of the group.
You’ll likely hear some interesting stories about him along the way.
He Wants to Meet Your Family and Friends
He wants to meet and get to know your family and friends as well.
You’ll clearly see he wants to make a good impression and is nervous about what they’ll think of him. When he does meet them, you should see him making a serious effort to be part of the group and have a good time.
No guy goes through this trouble and effort if he isn’t serious about you.
He Makes You Happy
At the end of the day, he just wants to see you happy. He wants you to smile.
This may be planning a surprise, getting you a gift, or simply making a joke to get you to laugh.
This right here is one of the biggest things for me. My husband still makes me happy, and would do absolutely anything to get me to smile, especially when I am in a bad mood or complaining about something. He constantly wants to alleviate my stress for me.
He Misses You
If his friends have ever mentioned that he can’t stop talking about you, you can be sure he loves and misses you when you are not around.
Nathan always texts me during his trips to tell me about how it is going, what he is doing, and anything else he deems important to share. At first I thought, go away and enjoy your time away. It is supposed to be fun. But it shows that he misses me and wants to share his joy and fun with me by telling me about it all.
This is also an opportunity for me to cheer him on and encourage him to have fun. It is all about perspective, and I love that Nathan still misses me even now, after all these years together.
He Says “We” Frequently
The words “we” and “ours” are big words when it comes to a relationship. Those words mean a relationship, that you’re together for the long haul and not just a quick fling to pass the time.
This also makes it clear to others in conversations that he is no longer single, or interested in going back to being single.
I remember the defining moment for me when Nathan and I were dating, and it was getting our cat, Tigger. A co-worker mentioned that was a big step, buying a permanent thing together, or community property. It wasn’t mine or his, it was ours. We have a cat.
He Respects Your Space
Relationships are going to require adjustments from both sides, especially in the beginning. If he is in it for the long term, he’s not going to force you to move faster than you want to.
He respects personal space and your need to adjust into the relationship before pushing it any closer.
Respecing your space also means you have time for yourself and the things that make you happy. It isn’t about being together at every waking moment. It is about being able to be individuals, being able to recharge your batteries, and take care of yourself.
This also means being able to have other relationships, with family and friends, without needing to be there and controlling the whole thing, or becoming jealous that he isn’t the only person in your life. If you don’t have space in your relationship, that is a red flag, and you need to pay attention to it.
He Tries to Resolve Arguments
No relationship is going to be without fights and disagreements. Despite being married for as long as I have, they still happen. Humans are emotional, messy, and make mistakes often.
But if he is serious about you, he will try to resolve differences instead of escalating them.
The biggest thing I’ve noticed is we both need to be heard. Listening goes a long way in arguments, and allowing each other to be heard. There isn’t always a right side and a wrong side. It isn’t black and white.
You aren’t Just a Fling
He doesn’t treat you as a fling. What that means is, he talks to you consistently. Not just when he’s bored, and then disappears until he’s bored again.
When he is serious, he will maintain regular contact.
He Trusts You
Trust is the foundation of any relationship.
When he trusts you, he’ll share not just the good things, but the bad ones with you. This includes fears and insecurities.
He’ll open up about his past as well.
I should also note that if he has spoken about deeply personal things too soon, like right after you started dating, there is something fishy. Would you open your heart to someone after only knowing them a week? If you wouldn’t equally share when he does, it is probably too soon.
What that means is, if he’s opening up too quickly, he is luring you in with/for sympathy and it should be a red flag. Because women tend to stay with a man, want to fix them, and be better because of that sympathy. Which can turn into an abusive relationship, and you don’t deserve that. Don’t ignore the red flags, please!
Opening up shows trust, absolutely, but that is earned. Earning trust takes time. There is no getting around that fact.
He Shares His Interests
He voluntarily shares things with you, like how his day went, what his hobbies are, and includes you in his interests.
A great example of this is, if you know nothing about football and he is a fanatic, he will be more than happy to explain everything to you.
He also wants to share your interests, hear about your day, and learn about your hobbies.
One of my favorite things to do with Nathan is read each other’s favorite book. You can learn a lot about someone just by reading their favorite book. Which could be a neat opener, and conversation starter.
He is Curious about You
He is curious about your preferences, likes and dislikes. But being curious isn’t the end of it. He remembers these things.
Examples of this are, your favorite color, vacation spot, brand of purses, These may seem like silly and frivolous things, but small details are important. Remember the phrase, “the devil is in the details.” It means he pays attention and keeps mental notes of things that are important to you.
He is Patient
On your bad days, he is patient with you, listens to your rants, and comforts you. He doesn’t judge you when you’re in a bad mood, or even a little snappy.
I like to say that it takes the patience of a saint to deal with me, and my husband absolutely has that. Even now, I’m always amazed at how patient we both are with each other.
He Loves your Quirks
We all have certain quirks, oddities, and goofiness that makes us unique, and oftentimes less than perfect. Which is great. Perfect isn’t an attainable goal. If he truly loves you, he embraces your quirks and doesn’t mind them.
In fact, he likely secretly finds your quirks to be cute.
He Supports You
He is your strongest pillar of support. Your rock. If you are in trouble, he will be there, right beside you.
He motivates and encourages you to follow your dreams, become the best version of yourself, and keep pushing forward.
Nothing makes him happier than to see you succeed.
20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You Notes
When you find someone like this, it is a true gift. You have an incredible partner going through the journey of life with you, and you can be incredibly successful together.
Don’t ever settle for anything less than you deserve.
When I go back and read these 20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You, thinking about both the beginning of my relationship with my husband, and now, I feel gratitude. I am always grateful that I found my person who is a great example of these traits. It always makes me strive to be the best wife I can be as well, because he is so amazing.
We work together as a team, and support and love each other through the good and bad.
20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You Discussion
Have these 20 Clear Signs He’s Serious About You helped you with your relationships? Are you in a good relationship with someone who exemplifies these traits? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!