8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
Simply Woman

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life Introduction 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life are simple things you can do to change your life in just one year. Yes, you are completely capable of changing your life! Are you ready to do that? 

Personal development has been a huge focus in my life over the last year, and that is what inspired me to write this. Because I wasn’t reaching my goals, and I was angry with myself because I felt like I had failed. When I wasn’t reaching my goals, I took a long hard look at why, and realized that I needed to change both my mindset and my habits to move forward in reaching my goals. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

It turned out to be a life changing year! When I started implementing these 8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life, I started to notice a huge difference. It wasn’t always overnight, but it really has made a difference in both who I am and how successful I am. I wanted to be the best woman that I could be, and I needed this roadmap to find that capability. 

Are you ready to take that same journey for yourself? Let’s go! Here are my favorite 8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life 

Stop Complaining 

Appreciate how lucky you are every day. 

Start looking for a red truck in traffic on your morning commute today. Notice how many times you can find one. Tomorrow morning you’ll notice them again without thinking about it. Pretty soon the only thing you’ll be noticing in traffic are red trucks. 

What you focus on is exactly what you’ll start seeing. When you focus on the negatives through complaining, that is all you’re going to see. When you see positives, that’s what you’ll start noticing as well. Why not focus on the positive instead of the negative? It is a lot nicer when you see what is good instead of what is bad. Because you are far more blessed, successful, lucky, happy, and any other positive word you can think of, than you may realize. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

Embrace Loneliness 

Embrace it and reinvent yourself in the process. Sometimes you just have to disappear for a while and come back as a completely different person. 

You don’t need an audience, applause, or approval to be the best. Disappear, reinvent yourself quietly, and come back bigger and better than ever. So much so that people don’t recognize you. 

Not everyone wants to see you succeed. That’s just a fact of life, and it may come from much closer to home than you would imagine. 

Haters will always be there. But if you embrace loneliness, you won’t see or hear them. They can’t boo your success or cheer your failures because you’ve disappeared and they don’t know what you’re up to either way. That’s exactly what you want! Do things quietly, and move with stealth. You become so much more powerful this way. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

Say Goodbye 

Say goodbye to people that don’t bring positive energy into your life. Take the time to notice how people make you feel. Do they breathe life into you, or suck out all your energy? Take notice of this. Then start removing the people who suck all your time and energy. It is a waste of your time. You want people in your life who not only support you and your goals, but challenge you to do better, to commit to a goal and start making it happen. 

I called myself dumb the other day because of a mistake I made in one of my blogs and I was annoyed. My favorite person on the planet ripped me apart for speaking about myself in such a negative way, reminding me that I still solved the problem and I’m more than capable of doing so. It was simply a problem that I hadn’t come across before, and I had to figure it out. 

Another friend asks me about my goals, and always wants me to set goals to work on today. Specific goals, not just far-off future goals. This person literally says, set this goal and let’s talk about it on a certain day, and we do just that. They call and follow through with that commitment to talk about it when they said they would. 

You need people just like these two friends I have in my life. The ones who see the best in you, and also challenge you to do better, who truly want to see you be your best self and achieve the greatness you were meant to. It is time to start saying goodbye to people who aren’t like that. Trust me, you’ll find you appreciate the ones who do, and you have a lot more time and energy to devote to your goals. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

Turn off the TV 

Turn off the tv, set internet controls, and ignore social media. Don’t get lost in a black hole. 

TV can be a great way to zone out and recharge yourself when necessary. But don’t get so lost in it that you aren’t doing anything productive. 

Internet controls can help you set a schedule, and keep you on track as well. I like to think of it as a timer or an alarm clock that reminds you when it is time to stop and refocus. 

Social media is a black hole, and you can easily get lost in a negative feed or comment thread, and it really is exhausting. Stay away from things like that, because you can start reading a thread just to check out the comments, and somehow an hour is lost on nothing. 

I elect to read instead. This can be a simple fictional novel to entertain me, a self-help book to teach me a new skill or way of looking at things, or a short story instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

Develop a Skill 

Pick one skill you want to cultivate, and put all of your effort into developing and improving it. What you focus on grows! What do you want to focus on? I love learning new skills, and also learning new ways to improve myself. 

Once you feel you’re good at a specific skill and have mastered it, move on to the next one, and just keep going. Keep pushing forward, developing new skills every single day, and pretty soon you’ll have more skills than you realized you ever could have. Developing new skills is a huge way to build your confidence and remind yourself just how capable you really are. 

I’m going to try making bread later this week, for example. It always seems complicated, but I want to try it out and work on that specific skill, because I love new recipes, but that doesn’t mean I know everything. There are still areas I can work on. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

Commit to Your Goals 

Once you set a goal, say no to everything that doesn’t serve that goal, and don’t look back. 

Pick a big goal, like looking at life a year from now. What do you want to achieve in the next year? Now take that big goal and break it down by month. What do you need to do every single month to achieve that goal? What do you need to do every week to achieve your monthly goal? Next is every day. What do you need to do to achieve your weekly goal each and every day of that week?

Make a list and write it all down, then start checking things off this list every time you finish a task. There is something incredibly satisfying about checking something off of your list, and it will go a long way in keeping the momentum going of striving to reach your goals. 

Now commit to doing these things daily, weekly, and monthly, until you reach not only a year, but reach your goal! Big goals are nothing more than a series of smaller goals broken down into manageable tasks to get the job done and doing that consistently. Consistency is key. 

Then celebrate every single win and success. Success isn’t just the big goal. It is the commitment to consistency, and every small goal you achieve on the way to the big goal. Don’t be afraid to celebrate the small wins just as much as the big ones. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

Sweat Every Day 

Exercise will help to boost your mood, reduce depression and anxiety, burn calories, and also is just good for your overall health. 

You don’t need to join a gym or become a marathon runner next week. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Go for a simple 30 minute walk around your neighborhood to get some fresh air, sunshine, your blood moving, and your heart pounding. That’s all it takes. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

Fail Forward 

Learn from every mistake you make. If you learn and grow from failure, it really isn’t failure. It is a learning experience. Pick yourself up and try again. You know what the difference between success and failure is? How many times you refused to give up and tried again. 

Mistakes, failures, having to re-do something, and trying again are all part of the experience. It’s going to happen, no matter what. Nobody is perfect the first time around. A competition body builder didn’t walk into a gym and bench press 250 pounds the first time. Everything takes time, practice, mistakes, and consistency. 

Don’t be afraid of mistakes or failures. Pick yourself up, try again, and keep doing it. Practice makes perfect. Just don’t give up. Ever. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life Notes 

I truly hope that this roadmap is as life changing for you as it was for me. I learned so much about myself, my capabilities, my goals, and my strengths. I honestly wasn’t prepared for just how much I learned and grew from these simple changes. 

It wasn’t an overnight thing, as I said earlier. But it is really inspiring and empowering to realize just how much a year can change you. In a mere 365 days, you will not be the same person. 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life Discussion 

Have these 8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life helped you to start improving yourself and your life? Is there any specific area that you need to be paying attention to and working on? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life
8 Amazing Ways to Change Your Life


  • Frances

    This is so helpful to me as I learn, grow, and really focus on myself and my goals! I love how passionate you are about helping other women become their best self. That passion shows every time I read your blog, and I get excited! I’m like you, I want everyone to succeed and reach their goals.

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