Day 16 of 31 Day Blogging Challenge
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Day 16 of 31 Day Blogging Challenge
Today is day 16 of 31 day blogging challenge. If you’ve been following me through this challenge, I appreciate it. You can read about my other posts by clicking here. The prompt is the top of my bucket list. I had to really think about this one for a bit. Because it feels like I have talked about these things in several other posts prior to this, and I don’t want to bore everyone.
Have you been following day 16 of 31 day blogging challenge? Come on in and let me tell you about it!
I suppose my first answer is traveling. But with that comes cooking. I want to learn to cook. Yes, I write food and recipe posts all the time, and I like to think I’m pretty decent at it. But my goal would be to find old school recipes that have been passed down for generations. You know the ones where you ask why it is done a certain way and the answer is, that is how grandma did it? Yeah, those kind of recipes.
I see that kind of love and respect for a recipe in Una’s Apple Cake that I wrote. It has been passed down for four generations now, with my nephew being the 4th to learn about it. That is the kind of stuff I want to learn more about and preserve through my blog. Another favorite of mine is my parmesan dijon chicken. My stuffed peppers is another great example.
Anyway, back to traveling. Food is a huge part of traveling. Because food is the greatest way to immerse ourselves in a new culture or even location. It gives the ability to talk to people, learn their stories and history behind not only culture but the recipes as well.
Meet Fellow Bloggers
I want to meet some of the amazing people that I’ve connected with throughout my blogging journey that have not only supported me from the beginning, but have become friends. I love it when I can connect names with faces, and even names with blog names. There are several who always come to mind when it comes to following.
Meeting them would just be the icing on the cake for me! I would talk about them here, but that is actually coming up as a future prompt and I’m saving these amazing names for that. Stay tuned for that coming soon! That is one I am definitely excited about writing.
Going Off Grid
When my blog starts making a more consistent income, I fully plan to take it in a slightly different direction. Don’t worry, it is nothing drastic. My big dream is to become even more self sufficient and shift to a more off-grid lifestyle. I can easily see my blog going with me in that, because of all I discuss about prepping in it.
Being self sufficient is a huge aspect of being more prepared, and I really want to take my readers on that journey with me. I want to grow my own food and preserve it, and be able to document that. I’m sure I’ll make mistakes along the way, and that is great to share with my readers as well.
I have dream pets I want one day. But we have to keep that a secret from Tigger because I think he’ll murder me in my sleep. Lol. He’s my baby and I want him to live forever, to be honest. Or at least as long as I’m alive. Because he’s the best cat I could ever ask for. So the dream pets are reserved for a day in the distant future. Now that Tigger is my only pet, he will stay that way for the rest of his days.
One day down the road I want a Bengal cat. They are simply gorgeous. I fell in love with the look of a Bengal cat years ago and it has always been a dream. Who wouldn’t want a small leopard-looking cat? I personally think that is just neat.
My other dream pet is a solid black German Shepherd. A police officer I know had one when he was a dog handler, and I got the chance to visit with the dog. I was struck by how beautiful it was, with just being black and no hint of brown.
Shepherds are great dogs anyway, but the solid black ones aren’t something you see everyday. Neither are white ones. I had to Google that because I had no clue that was even a thing until someone told me about it. But I still prefer the solid black look. Maybe I need one of each? Could be kind of cool. Either way, I want a black one and I plan to name it Diesel.
Hmmm… I’m having trouble finding other items on my bucket list. Because I love my life the way it is. I am following a dream with my blog and I’ve found my happy place. As a result, I can’t really say I am not doing exactly what I want, or that I have these huge dreams or goals. I think the biggest one at this point is just making consistent money with my blog. But that will come in time as I continue to grow what I’ve worked so hard to build.
Have you enjoyed reading day 16 of 31 day blogging challenge? Are you participating? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Travel is a wonderful thing to have on a bucket list! I think we all could do with getting out and seeing more of the world, rather than getting dragged down into the mundane life of ‘Work, eat, sleep, repeat’. We all need to experience new places, new cultures, new traditions, new languages, new food and, of course, new people.
Wonderful post as always.
– Nyxie
I feel you on the whole cooking thing! I cook too quite a bit but I really wanna get my food to taste EXACTLY like my granny’s 😂😂 she has that magic touch !! Lol. Thanks for sharing girl! I hope you have a fabulous day!!