7 Monthly Self Improvement Tasks
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7 Monthly Self Improvement Tasks
Self improvement is a long journey, and one that I don’t think is ever truly finished. But it is also something that we should be making a priority in all of our lives.
Setting up a schedule to plan monthly tasks is an excellent way to keep your self improvement a priority and hold yourself accountable to working on it.
Why is Self Improvement Important?
Working on yourself is the only way to achieve new goals. Improvement and change are the first steps toward goals. Staying the same doesn’t improve anything.
Making a conscious effort to improve yourself in any way will have major positive effects on all aspects of your life. These effects will immediately help you to start growing as a person, so you can experience real and true self growth.
This is how you become the best version of yourself and the best woman that you can possibly be.
Here are my favorite 7 monthly self improvement tasks.
Reflect on Your Progress
Reflecting on your progress is so vital for self improvement and personal growth.
Take some time at the beginning of each month and reflect on the previous month. Sit down, look at all of your goals, plans, and everything that happened. How do you feel about it all? Reflect on that.
Once you have evaluated and reflected on the previous month, it is time to re-evaluate your goals and plans for this month. This is an amazing opportunity to change any actions or steps that are not working for you. If you’ve reached all of your goals or are ready for new ones, you can start planning how to take those on.
If you feel overwhelmed, you can cut back on some steps or things that are making you feel that way.
It is also important to note that you should be celebrating any and all success you’ve had in the previous month as you reflect on all of it. But I feel it is equally important not to beat yourself up for anything that you feel you’ve missed or failed on in your goals. Because it isn’t a failure. That is where restructuring your goals and continuing to work on them is vital. Setbacks happen, and that’s ok.
I have looked at my planner weekly and scheduled blog posts, and I’ve used more white out this month already because things happen and I have to change my goals as I go at times. Think of restructuring your goals as needed like white out. It’s perfectly okay to need it and to use it.
Start a 30 Day Challenge
30 day challenges can be created or found for literally any area of your life. I see people doing reading challenges all the time on social media, or physical fitness related challenges. But 30 day challenges aren’t limited to just those things. Think about where you can do one that would be beneficial in your life.
It is also important to note that once you find a challenge that fits, you are free to modify it to fit your needs and goals. I like to use the challenges I find as more of a guide or outline to create something that fits into my life. Remember what I said earlier about white out and making changes? You are free to do the same here.
Pick a Skill to Work On
What is one skill that you want to work on and improve within your life? Picking one each month to focus on and improve will be really beneficial. If you can’t think of one to improve on, you can always pick a new skill to learn and put your focus on as well.
Once you have a list of skills you want to learn or improve on, pick one for the month. Make a list of actionable steps you can do throughout the month to work on growing or improving that specific skill.
Set Goals for the Month
Setting goals is essential in life! Daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and annual goals.
I highly recommend using a planner so you have everything right in front of you, in black and white that you can look at each day.
I strongly believe in the power of keeping goals visible. That is why my planner is essential. I can’t ignore it, but it isn’t hard to find or see either. This helps to keep me motivated and accountable to myself.
It is also important to discuss setting reasonable and attainable goals. Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting unreachable goals. Because that is setting yourself up for failure, and that isn’t fair to you.
Plan Time for Hobbies and Fun
This sounds weird, I know. But I think it is an essential part of self improvement. You know the iconic phrase, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” right? It’s iconic, sure. But there is a lot of truth to it.
I’m not saying you’re going to try to kill your family with a hatchet. But seriously, you have to take the time to have hobbies and things that bring you joy. I call that self care, and self care is part of self improvement.
By prioritizing fun and enjoyment, you are taking care of yourself. Otherwise you’re just going to suffer from burnout and you can’t improve on any aspect of your life if you’re feeling burnt out. It just isn’t possible.
If this is an area of your life that you struggle with, start putting it in your planner. Failure to plan is planning to fail. So be sure to write it down, so you can look at it when it’s time to evaluate and see if you made enough time for your personal interests, hobbies, and self care in the previous month.
Find a Self Improvement/Non-Fiction Book to Read
Self improvement, self help, and any other non-fiction books are a really simple yet helpful self improvement task.
This is an excellent way to learn new techniques and ideas for working toward bettering yourself. You can easily make this task specific to your life by picking self improvement books that are focused on the things you feel drawn to and what you want to work on learning or improving on.
Not a big self help type person? I totally get and understand that one. What I’ve done is replace one fiction book, just one, with a self improvement type of book each month. One per month is a totally reasonable goal for me, and I’m not overwhelmed with it and still can enjoy reading, as that is a change of pace from my normal reading.
Set a Daily Habit and Action Plan
The last step is to make a daily habit and action plan.
Life isn’t one big goal, achievement, or event. It is a bunch of small things that add up to become the big thing. How do you achieve the big one? You do the small things.
I firmly believe in the power of setting daily goals and tracking my daily habits.
When you look at the big goal, think about the steps you can take each day to reach that goal. Then start tracking these and they will become habits. Track them in your planner so you can see where you can improve when you evaluate your previous month.
7 Monthly Self Improvement Tasks Notes
This year I have really started doing these things myself and follow this list. Evaluating, re-evaluating, setting new goals, and celebrating success have all been essential to my self improvement journey.
I also think this list can apply to any area of your life, not just personal development. We should all be evaluating our goals and taking steps to achieve them in every facet of our lives and focus on improving and better ourselves. Otherwise we remain stagnant, and that is just useless to me.
Focusing on improving yourself is a great way to love yourself and be respectful of yourself, which I believe is an essential part of your happiness.
One of my favorite quotes is, “life is uncomfortable for two reasons. One, you’re staying in your comfort zone. Two, you’re stepping outside your comfort zone.” For me, I would rather be uncomfortable because I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and improving every aspect of my life to the best of my ability.
7 Monthly Self Improvement Tasks Discussion
Has this list of 7 monthly self improvement tasks helped you to steer your journey toward becoming your best self in the right direction? Would you add anything to this list? Are there areas that you need to improve on? Do you have success to tell me about so I can celebrate with you? Let me know your thoughts on the 7 monthly self improvement tasks in the comments!
Luna S
I think setting monlthy goals instead of trying to set up a bunch of yearly goals sounds a lot better & I bet it would actually motivate people to complete their goals more.
Riyah Speaks
This is a great post. I think planning for hobbies and time for yourself is super important to someone’s overall well-being. I always try to make sure that there’s time in the day for me to just be me.