5 Ways to Balance Work and Kids at Home
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5 Ways to Balance Work and Kids at Home
Are You a Remote Working Parent of a Toddler? Here Are 5 Ways to Balance Work and Kids at Home.
Working from home provides individuals the benefit of saving numerous hours a day that typically is wasted in traveling to and from the office. But, it comes with its fair share of challenges as well, such as a lack of work-life balance, the development of sedentary lifestyles, and more.
But, when you add a baby into the mix, things get even more challenging. If you’re a work-from-home parent struggling to find a way to manage work with a baby in the house, don’t worry, as this article by The Homemaking Wife explores some useful strategies to strike a balance between work and child-based responsibilities.

Set Up a Home Office
If you don’t already have a dedicated space for working at home, now is the time to create one. Having a designated office space will help you to stay focused and organized while you’re working. If possible, try to set up your office in a separate room, far away from the commotion of a kitchen or living room, so you can close the door and tune out distractions when necessary.
Understandably, not everyone has an extra room in their house to convert into an office. In this scenario, here are the steps to follow for creating a make-shift workstation:
- Choose a room that receives ample sunlight and has enough space to fit a work desk and ergonomic chair.
- Place the table directly in front of the window. Ideally, you should be facing the window while working, as it allows you to take quick screen breaks throughout the workday.
- Purchase a room divider to separate your work and rest space. While this division may seem arbitrary, it creates a physiological barrier, helping you stay focused while sitting at the work desk.
- Additionally, stock up on supplies like paper, pens, post-it notes, etc., to reduce the chances of you having to get up while working to find them.

Start a Self-Care Routine
Having a self-care routine plays a major role in helping you develop a healthy work-life balance while working from home, as reported by Mental Health First Aid. Switching between completing work tasks and caring for your baby can understandably be exhausting. Hence, it is important to do at least 30 minutes of activities that help you relax and disassociate from stress. This can include:
- Taking a nap
- Meal prepping to eat nutritious food daily
- Exercising to stay in shape
- Going for a walk to experience some much-needed change of scenery
- Practicing a hobby, such as journaling, meditation, yoga, reading books, etc.
A self-care routine will help to take care of yourself both physically and mentally, resulting in higher performance at work and better relations with family members.

Follow a Routine
When it comes to managing multiple responsibilities daily, following a routine helps to bring some much-needed control and predictability over your actions. While maintaining a routine with a baby in the home is hard, it is very much possible by taking the help of others in the household. For instance, while you’re working, request your spouse or elder kids to take care of the toddler. Alternatively, you can opt to hire a babysitter.
Here are the basics of creating a daily routine:
- Try to sleep and wake up at the same time.
- Eat a heavy breakfast and avoid foods high in sugar or caffeine post-afternoon, as it will make you feel sluggish in the second part of the day leading to lower productivity.
- Set a concrete work-end time. This is crucial to work towards developing a healthy work-life balance.
- Try to include any form of physical activity, whether before or after work. This helps to overcome the drawbacks of a sedentary lifestyle, such as weight gain and neck and back pain, as reported by Start Standing.

Make Time for Your Other Children
If you have other children in the house, it’s important to find ways to ensure they still feel important. Just like you dedicate time towards the youngest one, it’s important to do the same for others as well. This can include:
- Being available for bedtime every night so you can read them a story or say goodnight.
- Enlisting their help with simple chores around the home such as cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, etc.
- Planning new experiences such as a weekend outdoor excision, movie nights, and more so they have something to look forward to.

Consider a Career Change
As explored in this article, there are various stressors related to working from home. But, if your job itself is a major cause of stress, the best option is to look for a new one. While changing jobs is never easy, it is the right decision for your health, family, and long-term professional goals.
If you’re not sure where to start, try talking to friends or family members who are in similar situations, or reach out to a professional career coach for guidance. Making a career change is never easy, but it may be the best way to find a balance between work and home life.
You can consider making a switch to a new field as well, as it can provide a new challenge that drives and motivates you to get out of bed each morning. But, changing fields will require learning new skills, which can be achieved by pursuing a new bachelor’s degree.
For instance, if you want to enter the world of business consulting, completing a bachelor’s in business is a smart option. With your business bachelor’s degree, you’ll have the skills of time management, operations management, supplier relationships, strategic communication, and more that’ll help you get a foot into the world of business.

5 Ways to Balance Work and Kids at Home Notes
Working from home with a baby can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With a little bit of planning, preparation, and the help of those around you, it’s possible to make it work. Some key areas to pay attention to include creating a healthy routine, setting up a home office, and following a self-care routine.
Additionally, if your current job is stressing you out, remember there’s a plethora of opportunities for you to explore in every field. Pursuing an online bachelor’s will help you learn the necessary skills and expertise to start a new, successful professional chapter.

5 Ways to Balance Work and Kids at Home Discussion
Are you good at balancing work and kids while at home? Have these tips helped make things easier for you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!