Day 14 of 31 Day Blogging Challenge
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Day 14 of 31 Day Blogging Challenge
Today is day 14 of 31 day blogging challenge. If you’ve been following me through this challenge, I appreciate it. You can read about my other posts by clicking here. Today the prompt is if I won the lottery… This one is an easy post for me. Are you participating in day 14 of 31 day blogging challenge?
If I won the lottery I would stay in the state I live in, but move farther east to a less rainy climate. After that I would build a custom home and while that is being built, do some traveling.
Scotland is a place I’ve visited when I was younger and would love to go back. I would take my golf clubs with me though and just spend some quality time golfing there. Going to Ireland would also be on the travel list. Just spend like a month traveling around the Irish countryside, eating the food, drinking, and meeting new people. There is no shortage of photo opportunities either.
There are a lot of places in the United States I would love to visit as well. Mostly for the food. I could eat my way around the country really easily! That would be amazing to me. Eating is one of the greatest ways to experience any culture or location. Which is why I think that is important.
Arizona is a place I want to visit in the US. Hiking in the Superstition Mountains is a destination for me. I just finished reading a blog post about an area nearby and things to do, so I’m making my list of things to see in Arizona.
Develop New Recipes
I also want to learn more about cooking. Yes, I know I post recipes all the time, and I am a pretty decent cook. But I want to find the little old ladies out there that have generations and years of knowledge. To me, that is the kind of history I want to learn and preserve. I’m talking about the little old grandmas that scratch make everything, down the the smallest details. Those are the kind of recipes that are made with love!
After my home is built, I would build a greenhouse as well. I am a decent gardener, at best. But it is definitely on my bucket list to learn more about. Right now I don’t have the space to really enjoy gardening and growing my own food, which is why that would be high up on my list of things to do.
I would also pick an area where I could live as close to off the grid as possible, and really focus on creating a homestead. My blog would go in that direction as well. I can easily see my blog evolving with me as I go farther toward that way of life. With growing my own food I would want to preserve it, and learn more about that.
Golf More
I’d also dedicate a lot more time to golfing. Oregon has some beautiful courses all across the state. I’ve been privileged enough to play many, but there are still a few on my bucket list I need to get to.
Other Ideas
Let’s see… There are some firearms that need to make their way into my collection. There is always that. Nothing like adding to any sort of collection, really.
Nathan would want a giant TV to play video games on. We would probably go to more sporting events. He’d be very happy with a huge TV and time to just play video games. He’s kind of a 5 year old like that, but I’m happy it makes him happy.
In thinking about this and reading over my list, my life wouldn’t change a ton. Most of this stuff is things we already do, really. But being responsible adults, we can’t do them on the grand scale we would love to. Lol. Hobbies are an expensive thing. The only real changes would be where we live and the ability to travel more.
Winning the lottery would allow us to just do things on a bigger scale, or spend far more time doing them. Which I have to admit, it would be nice to indulge in our wish lists and hobbies without having to worry about work or expenses while doing it. Just be carefree.
I’d still blog though. I can’t say I would ever want to give that up. This is my little corner of the internet to be myself and help others along the way. I’m not giving that up.
Did you enjoy day 14 of 31 day blogging challenge? What is the one big dream you have if you won the lottery? Tell me about it in the comments! This is such a fun conversation to have with people because I get to learn about their dreams. Share yours too!
I loved reading this. I share your desire to travel as well and also I would love to eat my way across the United States and Canada. lol I love watching the show on one of the Network’s called You gotta eat here ( or something like that) So much fun food and so many great people to meet and really learn about the different communities out there. 😉
Split the night
I really share your dream of traveling more. AND cooking, I love homemade food from scratch!
Sounds like you would have a whole heap of fun !! I love to travel too so that’s something I’d most definitely be doing also! Great post Erica! I hope you have a great week girl! ❤️