4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed Introduction 

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed. Do you ever feel overwhelmed and failing at being a wife, a housewife, and/or a homemaker? It can be overwhelming because there is always something to do, someone in your family to take care of, and a list of never-ending chores. It is stressful! 

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The truth is that every homemaker and housewife feels overwhelmed and feels like a failure. I know I have those days, and it is crushing to me. I should be able to do it all, take care of everyone and everything. In my head, I always think I can do it all, and it really is a crushing blow when I realize I can’t. I’m not perfect, I’m human. 

It took me a while to really force myself to find helpful ways to stay on track and keep it all together. But it is totally possible! If you are feeling overwhelmed and like you’re a miserable failure, keep reading, because you can do this. You are an amazing woman who is stronger than you realize. Trust me! 

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed 

Start Saying No 

Learning how to say no took me a while. I was always the yes girl, even when I didn’t want to do something, I still said yes. I hated myself when I did too. Learning to say no is incredibly liberating! 

People always assume that if you work from home, are a homemaker, or both, that you have copious amounts of free time and are always available. Just because you aren’t working a traditional 9-5 job and have flexibility doesn’t make you constantly available. Yes, you have more flexibility, but that doesn’t mean you should try to do everything for everyone just because they ask. 

My time is both precious and valuable. When I started treating it as such, it became easier to say no, and I didn’t feel guilty. You can do the same thing, and you’ll start seeing how much better you feel about yourself. 

Will some people get upset by you saying no? Absolutely. It’s going to happen, and there is no avoiding it. But there will also be people who understand and respect that as well. One of my favorite things to remind women of, you show how much you respect yourself by how you allow others to treat you. Setting boundaries and saying no is an excellent way to start respecting yourself more. 

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Create a Schedule 

I love, love, and really love this planner to help keep my days structured. I don’t need to plan every single hour of every single day. I’m not that rigid, and you shouldn’t be either. But I have a ton of things I need to take care of everyday, especially with all of my blogs and homemaking tasks. 

The reason I love this planner is because there is a ton of room to write everything down. I note social media posts, blog posts, birthdays, bills paid with check number or confirmation number, homemaking tasks, and so much more. If you’re the kind of person who thinks you did a task “just last week” and it was actually three months ago, you need to be using a planner and structuring your time more. 

Creating a schedule will help you keep a clean home, and you’ll develop great habits for each day, each week, and each month. Creating a schedule creates habits, and habits make it much easier to be consistent and that relieves anxiety as well as becoming overwhelmed because you didn’t keep up on chores and projects. 

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Get Help From Others 

If you share your home with anyone else, husband, kids, roommates, whatever the case is, they should be helping you. You aren’t a maid and shouldn’t be treated like one. 

I get being a full-time homemaker means you shoulder the majority of things, but that doesn’t make you a servant either. 

Figure out what you need help with and what strengths others have, and use them. These may need to be adjusted as time goes on, especially with kids, but everyone should be helping to make your home function the way it needs to. 

It is also important to make sure that everyone is doing their part and not just agreeing and ignoring it. That makes things more overwhelming for you because the chore is being ignored until it is huge. Don’t let that happen. 

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Take Shortcuts when Needed 

I’m going to be the first to tell you, I suck at taking shortcuts. I would much rather do it all, spend the time making everything like household cleaners and other homestead type projects, making all the food from scratch, and everything else I deem necessary to be a “good” homemaker and wife. 

But there are times when time isn’t my friend, and shortcuts are actually okay. It took me a long, long time to be okay with some shortcuts. 

There comes a point when the question becomes, am I saving money and wasting my time, or is it saving me in both areas? 

Sometimes pizza is the answer for dinner. Sometimes skipping making something from scratch is the answer. Nobody is going to haul you off to jail because you didn’t make your own laundry soap this month. 

Trust me when I say that I love making everything from scratch, and it irritates me when I don’t do it, and I think I’ve failed because of it. But remember the part above where I mentioned my time being both precious and valuable? I have to remind myself of that when it comes to this step and being able to justify taking shortcuts. 

Oftentimes when we slow down and stop trying to do everything, it is easier to go back to not taking shortcuts. It’s like a little miniature break, and then you can go back to normal. I found once I did that, I now take one day a month to make things from scratch like household cleaners and condiments to have on hand. 

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed Notes 

Life isn’t perfect, and neither are you. There will always be times when as a homemaker, you feel overwhelmed and burnt out. It happens to all of us. I’ve found slowing down and taking all of the steps above really help and put me back in the right mindset to get everything I need to do done, and it all works out. 

Also remember that it is okay to feel not okay. You are justified in your feelings and should not feel guilty about it. Don’t beat yourself up because you aren’t perfect. Being perfect is impossible. 

Most importantly, remember that you got this. You are an amazing woman, an amazing wife, an amazing mother, and an amazing homemaker. Stop, take a moment and remind yourself of that! Then smile, because it looks good on you. 

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed Discussion 

Has this 4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed helped you? Is there anything you would add to the list? Is there something specific that you’re struggling with? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

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4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
4 Easy Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

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